Trinity Montessori School
Charleston, SC
Services Provided:
Visioning & Structural Planning
Organizational Capacity & Assessment Study
Organizational Growth & Support
Founded in 2004, TMS is an infant – grade 6 Christian Montessori School with a thriving community of approximately 60 families and growing. After a period of declining enrollment that paralleled the 2008 economic downturn, TMS found itself in an improving fiscal climate with increasing student demand and an opportunity to stabilize operations as well as contemplate a more expansive and sustainable role in its Charleston community.
However, possessing modest financial resources and limited expansion options on its existing campus, TMS needed a clearer sense of its growth capacities—financial, leadership, community, operational, academic—and a well defined, reality-based plan of action to guide the way forward.
KSC was invited in to assess the entirety of the school’s integrated systems and, ultimately, to facilitate the essential conversations needed to identify the school’s goals, reflect on its current realities, and plot a dynamic course from one to the other.
Project Summary
Type: School health, growth, and sustainability
Details: Operational, program & facilities audit; board & administrative support and structural planning
Outcome: Trinity’s leadership was primed for input and action. It moved immediately on the structural initiatives set in place, the first of which included enhancing the board’s own form, function and ability to support the school’s newly stated goals. From there the action plan quickly gained momentum with improvements to the existing facilities, program enlargement, and groundwork laid for a future capital project and campaign.
Trinity Montessori School
Website: www.trinitymontessori.com
“Trinity’s leadership was primed for input and action. It moved immediately on the structural initiatives set in place, the first of which included enhancing the board’s own form, function and ability to support the school’s newly stated goals. From there the action plan quickly gained momentum with improvements to the existing facilities, program enlargement, and groundwork laid for a future capital project and campaign.”
— Melissa Fleck-Aller
Head of School